The story continues from book one. Elm Creek Quilt Camp has been running for two years, and even though the Camp is successful, each of the Elm Creek Quilters struggle with their own personal crisis or upset. Each member of the group relies on their resilence to deal with the problems and the wonderful friendship of the complete group. This is a book of friendships,past & present;past history and moving forward....and what better way to cement and honour friendship, than to make a quilt.
The ramblings & obsessions of a fisherman's wife! ~ a potpourri of history, genealogy and books. Also some general ramblings if they take my fancy!
Tuesday, 30 January 2007
Round Robin: (Elm Creek Quilters Novels) by Jennifer Chiaverini
Monday, 29 January 2007
The Quilter's Apprentice (Elm Creek Quilters Novels) by Jennifer Chiaverini
Sarah meets Sylvia after moving with her husband's job. Initially, it doesn't look as though Sylvia & Sarah are going to get along, but they do and Sarah commences work for Sylvia sorting out Sylvia's family home that she left suddenly as a young woman. Sarah meets some of the local quilting group and together with the help of the group & Sylvia, she makes a quilt for for Matt her husband.......
This was a story of starting over,friendship,regret,forgiveness and a new beginning.
Saturday, 27 January 2007
Birth Month Means.....
Your Birth Month is October |
![]() You are a natural leader who is able to stand up when no one else can. Strong and powerful, you tend to overshadow those around you. Your soul reflects: Gratitude, comfort, and true love Your gemstone: Tourmaline Your flower: Cosmos Your colors: White and yellow |
Bound for Murder by Laura Childs
Started yesterday while at the hospital for an appointment and finished today. I love these books, they are easy and enjoyable reads.
I've read book one of the series, but not book two, but nonetheless, the story was easy to pick up. Carmela is still married to Shamus, and is slightly considering divorce, she now has a delightful dog call Boo, who dedicates his life to sleeping and being cute! This was a page turner, I simply had to find out who was responsible for the murder of Jamie and was surprised with the ending, I didn't see it coming......I do hope there is a 4th book in the scrapbook mystery series, and Carmela's scrapbook store sounds delightful!
Friday, 26 January 2007
Thursday, 25 January 2007
Crow Lake by Mary Lawson
Set in an isolated farming district in Canada, Kate lives with her baby sister,two older brothers and their parents. Upon hearing the news that their eldest son has been accepted to train as a teacher they venture into town to purchase a suitcase. They have a car accident and suddenly they are gone leaving four stunned children.
Written from Kate perspective, about her relationship with her siblings and how they cope and the sacrifices they make to ensure they stay together and manage to survive. This was an emotional story, yet written in such a style that there was no real emotion displayed by the narrator.
There were several loose ends, and I would like to have had a couple more chapters whilst the author developed the relationship between Matt and Kate, once Kate discovers that her relationship with her brother has become the way it has.
Nevertheless, it was a pager turner, and I read this as a bedtime read over the last two nights.
Tuesday, 23 January 2007
Will You Be Mother?: Women Who Choose to Say No by Jane Bartlett
At the time, I was reading with academic purpose and had not made any choices one way or the other. Having been married for about nearly 13 years we are at the point of accepting that we are more than likely going to remain childless, not through design, but sometimes it is the way life works out. Having been married for such a while without children, I feel that we have become selfish at how our lives have evolved.
I guess though, we are all in a position to make choices about this issue, and feel that we should accept the choices others have made for themselves. The article, which was included with the book, was an interesting one. In the 21st Century, we are in a society where women, can have a career and a family. Sure there is lots of juggling and financial issues but lots of women do hold down demand jobs and have a family. I am sure that there is real potential to look at the types of jobs those women do, as some jobs are more flexible for dual roles, but that is another subject!
(Un)arranged Marriage by Bali Rai
Manny has one best friend called Ady and has a girl friend, but as he approaches towards his 17th birthday the issue of arranged marriage raises its head. Manny doesn't want to and feels tore between the issues of a quiet life and rebellion.
Taken to India, on what is a holiday, Manny's family leave him behind and return to England. Manny builds a relationship with his Uncle, who has experienced the same issues and broke away from the family tradtion and helps Manny return to England, where Manny becomes his own person and has the life he wants.
I took this to bed last night, with a cuppa, and thought I would read a chapter or two on an early night. The book was written in such a comfortable, easy reading style that I zipped through the book and finished it just before Midnight! Clearly explaining the issues faced by teenagers, I wondered if this was slightly autobiographical? Like a previous reader I was surprised at the issues surrounding racism in the book, but I felt that the author had dealt with the complexities of the issues very well for a first book.
Monday, 22 January 2007
No! I Don't Want to Join a Bookclub by Virginia Ironside
Thursday, 18 January 2007
Christmas Narcissus - Week 4
The Jasmine Moon Murder by Laura Childs
Testimony of an Irish Slave Girl by Kate McCafferty
The Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are by Kevin Leman
Incidently, yesterday I was in a training session and we started off with a glass of water and asked all those present if they were half empty of half full and talked about the consequences of both.
Tuesday, 16 January 2007
49% Addicted!
You Are 49% Addicted to the Internet |
![]() You're somewhat addicted to the internet - but who isn't? You can keep it under check, and you're by no means a hermit. |
Jacket With a difference!
Jackets with a difference!
* Nothing fancy - simply bake a Jacket potato
* Meanwhile, in a pan cook some mushrooms, bacon and perhaps onion (finely chopped)
* When the potato is cooked scoop out the middle and add to the bacon and mushroom mix. Add some cheese too!
* Give a good stir then place back into the skin and give a sprinkle of cheese on top
* Place under the grill until nice and light brown
From Grandma's Cook Book

Rasher Pudding
- Mix plain flour and suet together, using water or milk to bind it together.
- Roll out on a floured board.
- Lay the rashers of bacon across and add some chopped fresh parsley.
- Roll it up and put in a pudding cloth and place in a pan of boiling water and cook.
Mum has said the cloth would be horrid when taken out of the pan, and remembers being given the job of washing the cloth! and suggests using a more modern steamer would better and safer!
Lambs Hearts
- Buy Lambs Hearts and stuff them with sage and onion stuffing.
- wrap in tin foil and place in a baking dish
Cheese and Tomato
- Quite simply cut cheese into slices and layer with layers of tomato into a dish
- Place in the oven and cook for about 15 mins until the cheese has melted slightly

Monday, 15 January 2007
The Writer's Block by Jason Rekulak
- Write about your pets
- Visit a nearby cemetery and write about the most unusual grave you can find. ( I was planning on journaling with a genealogical theme)
- Write about a time you have been lost
- More than 10 million prescriptions are filled a year incorrectly, write about one of them ( I was going to use this about my pharmacy career)
- superstitions & being superstitious
- Describe the most boring job you have ever suffered through
- write about a black sheep in your family (genealogical theme)
- Trace the journey of a $5 or £5 bill, but through the lives of five different owners
- in laws
- Fertility
- Write about a library or bookstore that has special significance to you
- 911
- write about your favourite childhood toy
- Describe the skeletons in your family's closet
- Tell a story that centres about a recipe
- Write about the most serious injury or health problem you have ever faced
- Describe your most memorable family holiday and what made it special to you
- Write about your earliest childhood memory
- Sue Grafton
- Adoption
- Tidy up your desk
- Vacation
- Write about the most difficult phone call that you have ever had to make
- border
- Write about a dream or goal you failed to achieve. What went wrong? and how did the experience change you?
- Describe the clearest, most vivid memory of your childhood
- Check your horoscope in today's paper
What kind of reader?
What Kind of Reader Are You? Your Result: Dedicated Reader You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that the world would be a much better place if only everyone read more. | |
Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm | |
Literate Good Citizen | |
Book Snob | |
Fad Reader | |
Non-Reader | |
What Kind of Reader Are You? Create Your Own Quiz |
Sunday, 14 January 2007
Homework, Week 2, 2007: Daily Smiles - Sunday
As part of my NSSFC pressie I was given a lush Christmas Pud bath bomb. My OH had been eyeing it in the bathroom. Never asking what it was, but you could see the thoughts of "it is another quirky thing of Book Crossing" going around in his head. Anyway, yesterday I ran a bath for my beloved and as a treat I used the bath bomb. Fill the tub then add said Christmas Pud to it and watch it froth. My beloved stood, amazed at the concept and said "am I supposed to get in that?" Bless, his facial expressions resulted in lots of smiles!
Saturday, 13 January 2007
Christmas Narcissus - Week 3
Sam's Letters to Jennifer by James Patterson
Jennifer has had a tragic and sad past. Her grandmother has been her friend, family, support and her rock. Suddenly, Sam is in hospital, seriously ill and Jennifer has to strong for her grandmother. Meanwhile, Jennifer discovers a series of letters left for her by her grandmother and as she reads them her grandmother's life unfolds along with a few secrets. Jennifer also builds a new relationship with an old friend and as she falls in love, she discovers the course of true love is never smooth and fair. Despite, lots of sad bits there are some happy endings.Thanks for sharing a wonderful book and I shall probably get one for my PC.
Homework, Week 2, 2007: Daily Smiles - Saturday
Each day this week I want you to journal about one thing that made you smile for that day. You can be as brief or as detailed as you like. Have fun!
This morning my International Secret Santa arrived, all the way from the US. Inside was a book from my wish list. ~ Yippee!

Friday, 12 January 2007
Homework, Week 2, 2007: Daily Smiles - Friday
I had a staff meeting with one of my branches. The branch has been struggling since before Christmas and I am very frustrated with it. So we had the meeting with all the staff and discussed something called SOPs - Standard Operating Procedures. After 30 mins we moved the conversation on to another area of the business then asked for questions. One of the staff members asked the question "who is SOP?" I had to smile at all the raised eyebrows of their colleagues as the question was asked.
Lesson for today, no matter how hard we all work and train, some people just don't get it.
Thursday, 11 January 2007
Footprints in the Sand by Sarah Challis
The book was about an adventure. It was full, though, not just of the adventure, but of intrigue,love,grief,friendship,secrets,mystery and in some ways regret.
Written in a sytle similar to Debbie Macomber the opening chapter is almost scene setting, then each chapter is devoted between Emily and Clemmie, and a chapter periodically from Miss Temmis, who qas a life long companion and friend of the cousins great Aunt Mary.
Great Aunt Mary dies and as the family and friends gather at her funeral and then later the wake, Emily experiences the grief at the loss of her aunt, but also that of her boyfriend whom she had recently been betrayed by. During the course of the wake the solicitor tells Emily and Clemmie what their Great Aunt wanted them to do with her ashes. They are to take the ashes to Timadjlalen, in the Saharan Desert. This starts the adventure, why is the first question they ask. Clemmie immediately wants to follow her Aunt's wishes, Emily in contrast is more hesitant, uncertain because of danger but comes round and the two girls embark on their quest and do uncover the reason why they are despositing Great Aunt's ashes in the middle of the Sahara.
Miss Temmis is a woman with a secret. She believes that the girls will not be able to find the exact spot in the Sahara and the name of the person that is given to them by the solicitor, from Aunt Mary, will be useless to them. However, the name is not useless, and although that particular individual is dead his family live on, and Miss Temmis' secret is no more, although it is not until Emily arrives home is she able to complete the entire story.
I read this in one day, and found it be a page turning story, written in a very comfortable style.
Homework, Week 2, 2007: Daily Smiles - Thursday
Simply watching someone, one of the maintance guys at one of our stores. We have had a flood, it involves damage to the branch and the negligence of the water board. The guy was pumping water out of the carpet and leaving the shop and depositing it down the drain. Presumably the same drains that are causing the problem. I had to simple quite simply at the ridiculous situation the branch (and company) find themselves in.
Wednesday, 10 January 2007
Homework, Week 2, 2007: Daily Smiles - Wednesday
I was in the office at St Austell today. I travelled by train, because parking is terrible and the journey is 2 hours by road and train. The only disadvantage is that to get the train home, I had to walk up a hill, but that says more about my fitness, or rather lack of than about the train.
I managed to get a seat this morning. Last week there was only one carriage, it looked like toy town and is rhidiculous. Anyway, the train had got to Ivybridge, where a young lad asked in a fairly rude manner if I could move my briefcase. I did, wondering if I could be bothered to give him the manners cost nothing speal. It wasn't until he got out at Plymouth and I left my seat to visit the bin, that I realised that I had forgotten to move my umbrella when I sat down at Teignmouth and was organised and his rudeness had been evened out with having a rather damp bum!
Tuesday, 9 January 2007
Homework, Week 2, 2007: Daily Smiles - Tuesday
Today I met a colleague and we travelled to work together. We met at the train station where I intended to release a book. I had to sit and wait for about 15 mins for my colleague to arrive, so decided to read and decide where I was going to leave the book. There was a huge queue, eventually the queue disappeared, as people purchased tickets and started their working week, the first proper week since Christmas. There were lots of glum faces! I was just about to remove the book from my back, when a young girl came in moaning about the state of British Rail, (she didn't look that old to remember British Rail!) So, 15 mins later my colleague arrives, and I still have the book. I decide to run for it and hurdled the book onto the seat I had just vacated and left. When I got in the car, my colleague said "Are you OK? Your looking a little flusttered" it made me smile as I pondered why I hate being seen leave books. It is always so much easier in a crowd.
The Mango Season by Amulya Malladi
Monday, 8 January 2007
Homework, Week 2, 2007: Daily Smiles - Monday
My beloved OH came home yesterday with a tale that made me really smile. There is a staff car park, and some members have permenant spaces. Space A belonged to person A, and B parked in the space belonging to A. Person B was told "don't park there again it belongs to A"
The next day the same thing happened and this was repeated on day 3 too. On the fourth day Person A said to Person B "will you stop parking in my permenant space" to which person B replied "if you arrive earlier I won't be able to"
Cheeky, but it did make me smile!
Sunday, 7 January 2007
Yarn Harlot : The Secret Life of a Knitter by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Knitting Rules! : The Yarn Harlot's Bag of Knitting Tricks by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Saturday, 6 January 2007
Fragments of a Dream by Leopolda z L Dobrzensky
From the back cover " Is the story of Dysart pioneers who were lured into the forest wilderness of the Canadian Shield in the 1860s and 1870s by promises of agricultural prosperity. Isolated from the settled parts of Ontario and undaunted by harsh living conditions, these courageous,self reliant men and women succeeded in laying a solid foundation for today's thriving community."
I am so looking forward reading this, but have about 10 books, mostly rings ahead of this.
Wednesday, 3 January 2007
Look what arrived today.....
Christmas Narcissus - Week 2
Tuesday, 2 January 2007
Homework, Week 1, 2007: Looking to the future
1) What do you like about the journaleers and/or what would you like to stay the same?
2) What would you like to improve or change?
3) Are there new features you'd like to see added to the journaleers?
Don't like my questions? Don't answer them! Tell me, in your own words and your own way what you would like to see from this community in the coming year."
I find the themes very often thought provoking. Even on really busy weeks when I have not been able to sit and spend time on a posting I have seen the question. I have many of them on my to do list, and when I have chance I would like to complete them.
What I would like to improve is my organisation of my time, so I can spend 10 mins making a journal entry to answer the question or pondering of the week.
Monday, 1 January 2007
Introduction to embodiment