Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Homework, Week 1, 2007: Looking to the future

"Your homework for this week is to once again begin thinking of where you would like to see this group go in the coming year. This is totally open-ended, and I would love to hear from any of you. Some prompts to get you started:

1) What do you like about the journaleers and/or what would you like to stay the same?
2) What would you like to improve or change?
3) Are there new features you'd like to see added to the journaleers?

Don't like my questions? Don't answer them! Tell me, in your own words and your own way what you would like to see from this community in the coming year."

I find the themes very often thought provoking. Even on really busy weeks when I have not been able to sit and spend time on a posting I have seen the question. I have many of them on my to do list, and when I have chance I would like to complete them.

What I would like to improve is my organisation of my time, so I can spend 10 mins making a journal entry to answer the question or pondering of the week.

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