Thursday 14 August 2014

Excel for Genealogists

A little earlier this week +Cousin Russ asked a question in the Cousin Russ Community about research logs. I responded that I kept a log in a journal and now keep in as a spreadsheet and store it in Google Drive. (I use Excel, but if you store as a Google Sheet it uses less space in your Google Drive!)

Having made my comment, I was then asked to spend a little time with +DearMYRTLE in a hangout on Tuesday afternoon.

Here is the hangout

At the end of the discussion there is the link to my website where you can download a copy of the spreadsheets.

I should point out that whilst I have allowed editing facility and downloading please respect my copyright. You are welcome to share, forward and develop but please leave my name as the source and creator.


  1. Julie, I'm excited to try this. One thing I would add is a "Where" column on the To-Do sheet. I sometimes remember where I found something even if I can't remember the exact item. So sorting by place (library, FMP, etc.) might be useful.

    BTW, after giving up on my desktop email program, I tried something called IQTELL. It combines email, calendar, to-do lists, etc. It also lets me assign emails to Evernote, projects, references, agendas, actions, and many more actions. The creators are very active with the users and add options regularly.

    Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Kathleen, Many thanks for the comments about the "where column" I will add that in, as some might find it useful - heck I might find it helpful especially as I often have two or three locations for the same overall task.

      As to IQTELL I have never heard of it, but will add it to my to do list to check out tomorrow!


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