Usually on the 1st of the month, at around 12.30 am UK time I release the prompt for that month. however, there are two exceptions, April and December when the prompts will DAILY and in therefore the prompts will be released half way through the previous month.
If you are new here, welcome! The details, background flyer and Face Book link to the Book of Me can be found HERE and the prompt list for In Deep with the Book of Me can be found HERE
Traditionally in April bloggers take to blogging their way daily across the month using the alphabet as their blogging feature, with each day representing a letter of the alphabet. The only day there is not a post is Sunday. 1st April is A, 2nd April is B and so forth.
So, over the course of the April we are going to be blogging DAILY - as always you can ignore the prompt, take a different spin on the prompt, share (or not). The choice is completely yours.
There are TWO sets of prompts
1. A - Z Genealogical is aimed at those with a genealogical slant
1. A- Z Book of Me Medley aimed at those who are perhaps knew to the Book of Me series.
You can mix and match the prompts or if you are brave you can answer both set!
You can sign up to the A-Z Challenge at www.a-to-zchallenge.com and you can also see a list of other participants at the above site.
The presentation will be published a little later on this blog and of course on the Facebook group. In the meantime, you can get a heads up by visiting the website and seeing the prompts list
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