Friday, 17 November 2006

Trial by Fire by Benjamin Nicholls

"It is approaching the 400th anniversary of the execution of the witch of Little Foxwood. The whole village is excitedly preparing to mark the occasion with a bonfire party in the square. 14-year old Tom Storey, however, is not. He has just begaun a quest for the truth about some of his ancestors and as a result, his world meets the world of the supernatural head on. The legend of the witch and Tom's own research intertwine and lead Tom to discover a terrible secret of injustice and revenge that has haunted his family for centuries."

I saw a review of this in one of the genealogical magazines, or a family history society magazine and bought direct from the author earlier in the year

I'd been itching to read this one since I bought it. I took it with me on my holiday last month, but didn't get chance to read it then, but recently ceased the opportunity. Started last night and finished this evening....a page turner!

Written in a young adult style, it was the gentle story of a teenager who develops the family history bug. In general the genealogical aspects were well researched, with a little poetic license! Well pulled together and a delight to read.

It is the only copy registered on Book Crossing, and does deserve to be read by others, it may well go out on a bookring before joining my permenant collection. If anyone is interested on a small book ring drop me a note!

Full-size cover

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