For me this was a very reflective storyline. It enables me to appreciate how lucky I am to live in a different and free society and like all good books, this will remain with me for some time to come.
The ramblings & obsessions of a fisherman's wife! ~ a potpourri of history, genealogy and books. Also some general ramblings if they take my fancy!
Monday, 30 April 2007
Veil of Roses by Laura Fitzgerald
For me this was a very reflective storyline. It enables me to appreciate how lucky I am to live in a different and free society and like all good books, this will remain with me for some time to come.
I am a |
Sunday, 29 April 2007
Book Meme
Hardback, trade paperback or mass market paperback?
Barnes & Noble or Borders?
Any bookshop is wonderful!
Bookmark or dog-ear?
Book mark or anything to prevent me from dog-earing a page. I've even been know to use loo roll!
Amazon or brick and mortar?
Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random?
Usually by size of book
Keep, throw away or sell?
Usually keep
Keep dust jacket or toss it?
Read with dust jacket or remove it?
With dust jacket
Short story or novel?
Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?
Harry Potter
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"?
"It was a dark and stormy night"
Buy or borrow?
Buy or perhaps a book ring.
New or used?
Either, I buy both
Buying choice: book reviews, recommendations or browse?
All of these
Tidy ending or cliffhanger?
Depends on the book.
Morning reading, afternoon reading, night-time reading?
Whenever possible! - If I find the book totally gripping I will read and read until finished then feel quite sad that it is finished!
Stand-alone or series?
Both, but I do like to read a series back to back
Favourite series?
I'm greedy, and having more than one - Books by Jennifer Chiaverini, Sue Grafton, Janet Evanovich, Diana Gabaldon & Harry Potter
Favourite children's book?
Spiderwick Chronicles
Favourite YA book?
Not sure
Favourite book of which nobody else has heard?
THE SAMPLER (A Miscellany of other people’s lives) by Judith S. Campbell
Favourite books read last year?
Favourite books of all time?
Floating Brothel by SIan Rees & A town like Alice by Neville Shute
Least favourite book finished last year?
THE SALT LETTERS by Christine Balint
What are you reading right now?
Just finished Veil of Roses by Laura Fitzgerald
What are you reading next?
Welcome to the Great Mysterious by Lorna Landvik
Favourite book to recommend to an eleven-year old?
Harry Potter series
Favourite book to reread?
Too many to mention
Do you ever smell books?
Do you ever read Primary source documents?
Blue Latitudes by Tony Horwitz
Buried treasure: travels through the jewel box by Victoria Finlay
Thursday, 26 April 2007
A Gentle Madness : Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books by Nicholas Basbanes
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Homework, Week 16, 2007: Vivid Memories
I consider myself to be lucky; I can remember back to the age of about 3 years old. Visiting my Great Grandmother, She was poorly, mainly due to being elderly, when I was 3 years old, she would have been 93. She would invite me to sit on her bed and cuddle up, which once I was lifted onto the bed, I of course did. She was fun great grandma and always had time for me, even though I must have exhausted her! She would sit, leaning against 3 or 4 pillows with a beaming smile. She had a rounded face and her silvery hair pulled back into a bun. I don't remember her passing away, or even being aware that I was no longer visiting her.
I have some super photos of her, but this one is my favourite.
Sitting down is my great great Grandmother Caroline Harris, nee Ellis (born 1844) with four of her children, Annie (far left) was my great grandmother, along with her sisters Mabel, Kate and Rose.
Do It Tomorrow and Other Secrets of Time Management by Mark Forster
- Be able to declare a ‘backlog’ of work
- Be aware that having a priority list can be an excuse for being reactive to so-called emergency tasks and leaving ‘less important’ tasks until whenever
- Be disciplined and ordered, and have systems and stick to them
- Being on top of work is important and desirable, as it allows for a better work home balence
- Closed Lists are much better than open-ended ‘to do’ lists...better to have a smaller contained ‘will do’ checklist
- Little-and-often gets the job done!
- Starting is the hardest part and once you have the rest is easy!
Saturday, 14 April 2007
Today's Guardian Supplement
Read the online version
Happy reading!

Thursday, 12 April 2007
Who Do You Think You Are?
The entrance fee has increased from £8 to £20 per person, but there is a special offer on at the moment of 2 for £20 + a £1.30 service charge. The venue has changed this year and is the price includes the costs of any of the workshops. (To get the special ticket price you need to book by 22nd April)
I've been pondering if to attend. I usually make the effort to the usual SOG fair at the beginning of May and tie it in with a small dollop of retail therapy at Guildford and see some relatives. Hubby doesn't think he'll come to the venue, which happens to be Olympia this year, but will go fishing at a fishery he has been itching to try.
Are there any other Genealogical Book Crossers going?
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
Books With Stories
Monday, 9 April 2007
More Katie Fforde's!
Stately Pursuits by Katie Fforde
Hetty goes to housesit for Great Uncle Samuel, the house is falling apart, and Samual's heir has plans for the rambling house, but after meeting Hetty can he follow them through?.......
Wild Designs by Katie Fforde
After losing her job, Althea decides to develop her passion for gardening. When she wins the opportunity to design a garden at the Chelsea Flower Show - with the unexpected help of gorgeous architect Patrick Donahugh - it looks as though she may have unearthed a new man as well as a new career.
Life Skills by Katie Fforde
A combination of overwork and jet-leg propel Julia Fairfax into becoming engaged to a golf-playing wine buff called Oscar. When she realises that she has fonder feelings for his adorable Labrador than for Oscar himself, she is forced to confront the fact that there is something drastically wrong. So, she ditches her fiance, jacks in her job and decides to revolutionise her life…
Her new career as a cook on a pair of hotel boats is certainly a departure, and teaches her more about life than how to get a couple of narrow boats through a lock. But even afloat Julia's past catches up with her. Not only must she contend with the persistent Oscar (not to mention his frightful mother and her own mother's determined matchmaking), but also the arrival of her childhood enemy, the enigmatic Fergus Grindley
Sunday, 8 April 2007
Saturday, 7 April 2007
Hestercombe Gardens
It was a beautiful day so decided to take advantage of the great weather and visit Hestercombe Gardens ( in Cheddar Fitzpaine near Taunton. This is one of my favourite photos and is of Mum and Stuart in the gardens.
Sunday, 1 April 2007
Lucinda's Secret Book 3 of Spiderwick Chronicle by Holly Black & Tony DiTerlizzi
Kids these days are so lucky with these lovely books.