Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Alfie

Sleeping in Progress - Do Not Disturb!
You may have met Alfie, back in April when he was the subject of A is for part of the A-Z Challenge.

Here is he last week, never missing a trick to jump up on the bed and head straight back to sleep. I simply had to share; he is such a sweetheart!


  1. Gorgeous!

    Hope you are well.
    I have not been keeping up with my fellow bloggers as much as I would like due to computer issues


  2. I'm a terrier lover, though I don't have experience with Border Terriers -- only Airedales. Alfie is adorable. I know he has that terrier spunk and attitude just from the photos in your earlier post about him. His history is a sad one. I think many people don't understand terriers and they end up crated (and crazy for exercise). Good Alfie's got a great home to rule!

  3. Carol, sorry to hear of your computer problems-frustrating. I have had a few weeks of blogging less, not sure why, life I guess.

    Nancy, thanks for the comments. Alfie has just been walked, fed & watered! Now guess where he is! Tired out as he saw opportunity to chase a baby seagull, this morning, & it is way too early to be racing round.


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