Sunday, 30 June 2013

The Hay Festival & Bookish Delights!

The last week of May and the first day or so of June proved to be very busy and has had an excitingly bookish theme.

The Hay Festival took place in the location of Hay in England, situation just about on the Hereford and Wales border. The town is very bookish and is home to around 30 bookstores and the festival each year.

I have visited Hay twice, neither time during the festival and whilst I am all for taking part and listening to writers talk about their tomes, writings and inspiration I prefer to wander the streets and bookshops of Hay taking it all in on a much more personal level. The festival was beamed across the country and possibly beyond by the television channels and I am delighted that it does.

My visits to Hay are at least 7 years old, but I still recall the wonder of sheer joy when my husband and I ventured into a town on our first night in the area. We stumbled across Castle Bookshop, which is, as I am sure you will not be surprised to find out in the remains of a castle building.
Castle Bookshop - October 2006
Copyright J & S Goucher

Within the confines of the grounds are a series of bookshelves, exposed to the elements complete with books. My poor husband, who bless him does not have a bookish bone in his body (unless you count endless fishing and angling books) was almost beside himself. “Who on earth would leave books outside?” He asked me. I smiled and simply wallowed in the experience and of it all noting that there was a small trust box for payment. Such innocence is actually worth a smile and a real pleasure to see.

And yes, to those of you who are puzzled; there are books in those bookshelves. What I call disposable books, books which are perhaps on their last legs, in other words, very pre owned. The price for each book is just 20p and whether you buy a book or not, to touch and see them in such a unique setting is delightful. I recall purchasing two books and both of them reside on the bookshelves in my study and almost hold the memory of the Hay experience within their covers.

I had just caught my breath from the televised Hay experience when Armchair Book Expo America came to me via the internet. The virtual format of this book conference was produced quite wonderfully and ran alongside the main conference.

There was a getting to know you set of questions to kick us off. Those with a blog chose their questions and then answered them upon their own blog and linked up with the main Armchair BEA site. Each day there was a discussion about a bookish genre, other set questions such as ethics and then there were giveaways and lots of other wonderful posts. The idea of the whole theme was as a book blogger to participate from your own blog and link into the main site.

The entire process ran well and the organisers and volunteers should be commended for putting on such a good virtual show.

I am still reading some of those links and commenting. Not to mention adding recommendations to my never ending book list.

I have had a great May and early June. Did you take part in Armchair BEA? Have you been to Hay, either to the festival or for a bookish break? Leave a comment and tell us!

First published at The Indie Exchange

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Sepia Saturday 183

Just a quick entry this week.

Not too far from us is the tourist site of Kents Cavern. According to their website, the caves have been tempting explorers since 1571. Despite being a mere 7 miles from us I have never been and it is not on my tourist bucket list either.

Here is a postcard that I spotted recently, that dates from circa 1960

Despite the fact that I am not over keen with going underground, the caves that feature in this week's prompt from New South Wales I have been to. Sadly I could not easily get to the photographs that we took in January 1997, the days before digital!

Taking part in Sepia Saturday

Friday, 28 June 2013

Genealogy Under Threat?

Earlier in the week a fellow genealogist commented via Twitter about an article in The Irish Times. That article flagged up some interesting points including the potential issue that EU regulations could pose limitations on genealogical research and any subsequent publication of that research.

You can read the full article HERE (

This morning Chris Paton has given credit to Sheena Tait who has provided the link to the actual proposals and the subsequent comments from the Information Commissioners Office.

You can read the full document at (

The relevant clause for genealogists appears to be number 83, entitled "Processing for historical, statistical and scientific research purposes".

My personal view is this. Have we not gone too far in terms of the EU? We have lost our identity and that can not be a good thing. We should absolutely preserve privacy, but there has to be a degree of common sense surely.

It would seem that this will be decided in Brussels and those who have an opinion should write to their Member of European Parliament (MEP) as soon as possible. You can find out who your MEP is at the European Parliament website.

If you are outside of the European Union then I suggest writing to the MEP relevant to your heritage area.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Ramblings from my Desk.....(13)

Regular readers will have no doubt noticed that this week has been fairly bookish. I have had a pile of review posts and notes loitering on my desk and the time came to do something with them!

It has been a fairly busy few weeks, I have been involved with a project that has been formalised and an announcement will appear here over the next month or so. It is all very exciting and possible because of technology and the wonders of it.

I have also just completed the first batch of workshops called The Book of Me, Written by You. Which has been exhausting, wonderful and thoughtful all at the same time. I am ready for the next set of workshops to begin in the coming weeks.

Those in the Geneablogging world need not be disappointed. It is going to be run in association with Thomas at GeneaBloggers, so please keep reading; the launch is likely to be at the end of the Summer

Meanwhile, we have had some sun in the south west of England. Hurrah! and not before time I might add. So we have taken advantage of the good and dry weather and given Alfie a few extra walks, to destinations that are new to him (and us) and not too far from home. It is amazing what is on your doorstep when you open your eyes and look around you.

Anyway, I mention that simply so that I can show a lovely picture of Alfie, taken over last weekend. Doesn't he look cute, such a gorgeous little face!

Don't let that little face con you into thinking he had walked miles and needed a drink. At this point we had barely left the car and he was waiting patiently for his master to take a picture and I managed to take this picture.

He had a lovely time, and we enjoyed the walk. Sadly the venue was rather hilly and really upset my back, but it was great to get some fresh air and look at the view.

Meanwhile, the study clear up and out goes on. I had a boss in a former professional life who said there were "filers and pilers". To be honest he was more messy than me and had a knack from expecting me to second guess him all the time. When he moved on I gave a (huge) sigh of relief, but always remember his little phrase.

As I look around the study I have sadly migrated from filer to piler and I need change my ways! The problem is my brain is simply without an off switch, and I find that I am easily in a genealogical sense distracted, so I extract files and don't put them back, then I can't find them. I know, very naughty and I must do better!

Thank you to the new followers who have joined me this week. It is much appreciated. There is only a few days left of life with Google Reader. I have migrated my feed to Feedly so I can carry on reading other blogs, but to be honest I have removed the RSS option from the Anglers Rest blog. Instead I offer a Facebook page the link is on the side bar, in addition to the options of posts by email and twitter feeds. If anyone does have any thoughts please leave a comment.

White Mughals: Love and Betrayal in Eighteenth-Century India by William Dalrymple

White Mughals: Love and Betrayal in…The June choice for our reading group was The White Mughals by William Dalrymple. The comments from the group were split into essentially three camps, those that loved it, those who read it and persevered and those who hated it.

I fell into the loved it camp and I did love it. The book took the author 5 years to write. It is thoroughly researched and painstakingly written, threading the storyline together with the use of historical documents and probable hypothesis when the documentation can not support the theory.

The book is based upon the surviving papers and diaries from 18th Century British aristocrats who spent many years in India. What is shown is India in context with history; the defeat of Napoleon in Egypt for example. The book explores the culture exchange, where many of the men in the region "go native" with local women and then send the children back to England to be educated. The book explores the Christian/Muslim/Hindu exchange which was perfectly acceptable in the 18th Century, alas when the 19th Century appears that exchange and the "go native" approach is scorned and unaccepted.

The book does cover the romance of James Achilles Kirkpatrick who was a promising British resident in Hyderabad, and a young noblewoman and descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, called Khair-un-Nissa and whilst this romance is essentially the backbone of the book, it in some ways fades into the background amongst the historical aspects of India and the region at this time.

Even so, I loved the book, I loved the provision of sources and notes and the depth of research and for me this has to be the read of the year.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Help By Kathryn Stockett

This was the read for my book group back in March. I had both read the book and seen the movie previously and loved both. The responses from the group were mixed and we had a great debate on racism, both across the pond and here in the UK.

The book is narrated by three of the central characters to the storyline; Skeeter Phelan, a white girl from the South and two black maids, Aibileen and Minny.

Skeeter is from a well established white family. She has graduated from college, has a set of friends and is active in the local community. Her plan is to enter the world of journalism and in doing so she challenges the behaviours and events of the time. Meanwhile, her mother wants Skeeter to marry into a good family, live in a big house with a black maid, but for Skeeter that just is not enough.

Determined to use her degree, Skeeter writes to the publishing house of Harper and Row in New York. When she hears back, it is not with a job offer, but with some good advice and wisely Skeeter quietly follows it.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, the author has managed magnificently for a first book, to transport the readers back to the deep south of the United States when the civil rights movement was steadfast in it's dreams, hopes and aspirations for the future; a time when Martin Luther said "I have a dream"

The characters and plot were strong and believable and I have rarely read a book twice in a year, but this one I have.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The Great British Sewing Bee by Tessa Evelegh

The Great British Sewing Bee by Tessa…
On the back of the recent BBC series this book essentially covers the projects that the contestants were asked to make. What is also included in the book is some historical details on Sewing Bee's, including those hosted by the then Queen, and more commonly and affectionately known the Queen Mum.

From 1939 The Blue Room at Buckingham Palace was opened and all the female staff invited to attend the "Stitch to Victory" sewing bee that took place twice weekly. It was an attempt, and a successful one too, to get the women in the Country behind the War work and bring a sense of togetherness when the Country was at it's darkest days.

Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine
Image courtesy of Cardiff University
Also included is a rare known fact that the husband of Mrs Beeton included a traceable pattern in every printed edition of The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine. The magazine was published from around 1880 and the patterns started being issued from 1863.

The book also contains how you can create your basic sewing kit.

Once you have gone beyond basic sewing kit and the history elements of the book the projects begin. Each project is described in full, with handy tips and guidance all the way through. There is a real mix of projects; from an apron to patchwork throw, a bow tie to waist coat, laundry bag to curtain, cushions to dresses & skirts.

There is guidance on selecting material, tacking, sewing seams, patterns and much more.

I have to say, I was plunged back to my childhood as I read the book. To moments of having to stand still whilst my Mum hemmed up the latest dress she had sewn,  to helping her look for lace for her latest creation or patchwork squares for a quilt. Looking back now recalling how I hated wearing handmade dresses, not understanding or appreciating the effort and skill it took to pull it all together into a fine piece of clothing; and whilst I hated wearing those handmade articles, I was never laughed at by the other kids, which means that it was a good job well done; as we all know kids can be brutal when it comes to perhaps being different.

I enjoyed the book. I enjoyed what it was trying to achieve, I enjoyed revisiting those memories, things I hadn't thought of in years and the things that I had forgotten about. The book is well laid out and presented. There is lots of guidance and ideas for sewing projects.

The final pages of the book are given to an index with the acknowledgements to the show and book production teams.

An earlier post written by me with links to the programme editions on YouTube is HERE

Monday, 24 June 2013

Mystery Monday - Harris in Headley Hampshire


Caroline Ellis, shown here on the left, was born in Puttenham Surrey in 1844 the daughter of George Ellis, a former military man and Prudence Budd. The Budd family had been established in the parish of Puttenham since 1723, and lack of surviving records has prevented a firm conclusion of the Budd's originally living in nearby Shackleford. Together, Caroline and Henry raised a family of ten children, all born in Puttenham. Caroline and Henry spent 65 years together, with Henry passing away in 1929 and Caroline in 1935.

Henry Harris was born in Headley Hampshire in 1844 to George Harris and Harriet EARLE. Henry was one of not only 10 children born to George and Harriet, but also one of set of triplets. George and Harriet had previously had twin boys, George and John in 1837, John though, died aged 1 year. In 1844 when Henry was born, his mother also gave birth to Emma and Thomas. Henry and Emma both lived into adulthood, although Emma died in her late 30s and sadly, Thomas died aged just one year. Henry lived until 1929 when he passed away aged 86 years. Were multiple, multiple births common in the 19th Century? Henry worked as a labourer and around 1864 married Caroline Ellis in Puttenham Surrey.

This photograph, taken by their Grand daughter, my Great Aunt on the occasion of their 60th Wedding Anniversary.

It was the tale relayed to me by the same Great Aunt who took this photograph that has provided the minuscule details of my Monday Mystery.

Monday Mystery

My Aunt said that her "Granddad Henry had been "swizzled" out of some land on the Common (Puttenham or Headley) by his niece Jane Harris. He even went to London to try and get it back, but he didn't manage it"

I have always been curious over this matter and not long after I started researching my ancestry I met a family member, connected to the Harris & Burrows line. There had certainly been a feud, although if this was the cause of it I can not say.

In the meantime, the local archives for Headley have transcribed the records and notebooks left by the vicar of the parish. Within those notebooks is the following -

"p.281 Letter:4 Field Court, Gray’s Inn, W.C.,
Telephone 2525
Telegraphic Address: “HUNTSMOOR, LONDON”
20 April 1888
Dear Sir
You may have heard from Mr WRIGHT that we have been obliged after all to abandon the claim by Daniel HARRIS to the fund in the Court of Chancery.
We find that Letters of Administration were taken out to the missing Legatee’s Estate many years ago by Henry HARRIS who described himself as the cousin of the missing legatee. If this were correct that is to say, if the missing legatee’s father was legitimate, David HARRIS’ share would be a few pounds only and to prove that it is incorrect requires an action in the Probate Court which would exhaust the whole of the fund.
We beg to thank you for the assistance you have so kindly given us in the matter.
We are, Dear Sir,
Yours faithfully,
R S Sayle & Son & Humphreys
To: The Rev W H Laverty
Headley Rectory

This does not appear to be the same story as the one my late Aunt said, so is this somthing different?

The names of David and Daniel Harris do appear within my family, both brothers of Henry's father. There was also a Daniel Harris who married a Charlotte Bridger who connects with my late Grandmother's family.

Such a lot of mystery to unravel and that is before I even start on the Harris families!

This map does given and idea of the complexities of the geography of this area, which explains the various families marrying into other families that already sit within my genealogy. Really, it is no wonder I have a genealogical headache hangover!

Photograph of a map presented in A Souvenir  of Headley By
Charles H Beck 1896

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Homeyards Botanical Gardens Shaldon

Homeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens Shaldon
Homeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens Shaldon
Homeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens Shaldon
Homeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens ShaldonHomeyard Botanical Gardens Shaldon
Despite the forecast for Sunday to be sunny with cloud, the sun was only around for an hour or so. The clouds appeared and it was overcast for the rest of the day with a bit of a nip in the air and that horrid drizzle that gets you soaked!

Despite the gloomy summer weather we visited Homeyard Botanical Gardens across the estuary, in pretty Shaldon.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Sepia Saturday 182 -

As I looked at this week's prompt I had thoughts of my family. My Grandfather and his love of having a flutter and being quite a grump if his horse didn't win!

I pondered this morning why it was that it was fashionable almost to have a flutter and then as I watched the news and saw the press coverage of Ascot yesterday including the delight from the Queen as her horse won a race. The race that she usually presents the cup to the winner no less. At the turn of the 20th Century the Royal household owned horses and raced them, in much the same way as they do now. That fact would have been reported in the newspapers, these were days before television. So it would have been fashionable to have raced horses, after all they were not subjected to the real need of farm work and we would been working towards a time when they were used less for transport purposes.

This photograph came to me from my Grandfather's first Cousin James Butcher. The description he gave me was it was
"One of the Crook Grandmothers" 

As Jim's mother was Sarah Crook before she married Walter Butcher I can surmise that this is one of Sarah's Grandmother's but which one? I have not done too much on this particular line as yet. The Crook's originated from London and came south to Worplesdon just outside of Guildford. There they marry into or are connected to the Butcher, Langford and Gunner families that were in the Worplesdon, Normandy and Wanborough area including Passengers Farm. The horse looks a bit on the slim side!

This postcard is of Manor Farm at Wanborough in 1915, so my family would have seen this actual view, which I think is just wonderful!

The pathway on the left leads to the church and where the grass verge is on the left is a row of cottages, one which is where my Grandfather lived with his parents and another that is where Walter Butcher lived with his family. There were other families there too. The house on the corner was lived in by the Spicer family.

This next photograph is of my Grandfather's brother Percy. He lived with his family at Manor Farm Wanborough up until about 1930 then the family moved across to Onslow Village. This was taken in 1953 by my Aunt, Percy's sister for the Coronation Procession.

My Mum recalls that my Grandfather's other brother, Arthur had two horses like this one called Dolly and Jack. When I asked if this was either of them Mum said no. Although how she could tell I do not know!

So there seems to be a love and affection for the horses in addition to the enjoyment backing them race.

Personally I have never ridden a horse, nor do I have a burning ambition to do so! They are rather large and should be in fields enjoying the grass and an apple or two!

As to a flutter on the horses, well it has been known. The odd Grand National. I have been to the races twice, once with some former colleagues and we went to Epsom and also in Australia I saw the Melbourne Cup.

This has been a great prompt and has inspired me to do a little work on establishing what happened to my Great Uncle, as he moved away from this part of Surrey. He did marry and had at least one son, but nothing further is known which is a great shame.

Taking part in Sepia Saturday

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Genealogical Hangover!

I have a genealogical headache hangover.

Earlier this week I was writing a post, which will appear next week about a mystery I have. In order to complete the post I zipped off an email to the host of the One Place Study for Headley Hampshire with a question or two.

He very kindly directed me to a post within the archives and commented that the manuscripts that had been kept by the vicar of the parish had been completely transcribed and were online. This was great news. I had been aware of the transcription project, but had not been aware of it being completed.

So I nipped over to the site and started reading.

Taking a step back or two. I had been aware of a connection of my Grandfather's family - BUDD & BRIDGER  from Puttenham marrying into my Grandmother's BRIDGER family of Bramshott and Headley. This union in fact made my Grandparents Cousins, not that they had been aware of the fact.

My Grandfather's Grandfather, Henry HARRIS was born in 1843 in Headley Hampshire. There the Harris family happily intermarry with other Harris', Holts and Earl (e) families.

So, having been informed that the transcriptions were completed and the Surrey records online at Ancestry which does include Headley Hampshire because it is just over the border I sat down this morning to have a look into the mystery and which you can read about next week.

Image courtesy of Google Images
Oh my, my heart did a little somersault as I tried to untangle the various Harris families that link between my Grandparents individual lines, which makes my genealogical quest more complex than ever.

After 3 hours I gave up. I took my mug, which bears the message "I'd give up chocolate, but I'm no quitter" and almost empty save a small drop of cold tea, downstairs. Got alfie nice and ready and went off for a walk. It's warm here today 23C, all the time thinking how on earth am I going to unravel those Harris lines.

I think that somewhere, high above the clouds are my ancestors having a lovely chuckle at my joy and frustration as I untangle their lives and try and make sense of it all.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

A Fictional Account

On Sunday, I posted my fourth part of a series of posts about Filofaxes. A comment left by Jill who blogs at Geniaus prompted a response and as part of that response I have written a fictional account based upon some real facts that appear in my journals. If you didn't read the Filofax post, pop back now and read it, then the comments and all will become clear!

Fictional Account

"The Victorian building was set back from the main road. It was an oppressive building, but necessary and fully functioning once inside. She stood and looked at the building before walking across the small visitors car park towards the main entrance.

She reached the top of the small flight of steps and went in. Speaking to the man behind the strong perspex she gave her name and explained my reason for being there. She was then taken through a set of secure see through doors marked "Staff".

After the issuing of a rough and handwritten map, with the message of "dispose by shredding" and a set of keys, to be affixed to her person at all times she was escorted through the building to her new work domain.

The strong metal door closed with a sound of definiteness. Her escort and her walked through the building, chatting, on occasions stopping to say hello to fellow staff, to open another door or gate and for the escort to point out various places, such as the post room and the staff toilets. The escort gave a rundown of the working day, as this was relevant to how her cog in the large wheel of the building fitted in.

Later in her office, she looked out the window. Not a clear view there were bars, but the window could be opened a little and a gentle breeze came wafting in. For some strange reason, it was quiet and that bothered her a little. Usually there was no quietness. A thong of black and white uniformed staff were walking across the grassed area outside, ah it was lunchtime. Simply knowing that settled her and she prepared herself for a new working place.

The closing of the gates and doors, the sounds of keys, the sound of a stampede of running individuals became second nature, as much as birds tweeting"

There you have it, a fictional account based upon an entry or two of my journals from this period, which was the early 1990s - In fact, just after I came back from Australia.  In fact the first day, that has been described above took up 4 pages in my journal.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Filofax - Part Four

Back in January I wrote three posts about going back to my Filofax, You can read those posts  here -
  1. Part 1
  2. Part 2 
  3. Part 3
Well, six months later and I am still not completely happy with my structure or the actual Filofax I am using.

This year has been a challenge. For the simple reason that I am living a completely different lifestyle to usual and as such I have been trying to do what I usually did when I left the house at 7.30 and came home about 12 hours later. Whilst I have changed my schedule I have not changed how I record, plan and note the various details of my existence.

The biggest issue I have is that I often am somewhere and I want to jot something down. If it is the name of a book or item in a shop I can take a quick photograph with my iPhone, but on occasions I have had an idea and want to capture it before I forget.  Therefore what I need is paper!

At the end of last week in my study I reacquainted myself with the following Filofax.

Now, I have had this particular design over 25 years and this has never been used. What is great is that it can be zipped and then becomes completely contained. 

On the left there is a popper section with a clear front (top picture), the ringed section. then a clear zipped section with ring loops (bottom photo) and a small wallet which is fixed in with velcro and can be attached to the rings. Behind that is a section for 3 cards and two dividers for paper or a cheque book or even a small A5 booklet.

So, On Friday afternoon I simply transferred all the material from my existing Filofax into the the one above. Including the memory stick, endless library cards and record office cards and a few professional membership details.

So over the course of the current week I am going to note down how many times I use the various sections. On Friday I shall re-evaluate the structure and I suspect have a bit of a cull.

The good thing with this particular file is that I can simply pop in things - shopping lists for example. I still handwrite those and I still often, no more than often leave them on the kitchen table or magneted to the fridge.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

The In-Depth Genealogist - Digital Magazine - Issue 5 - OUT NOW!

The next issue of the free digital magazine is available NOW!

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Publish for Free

Enjoy this digital edition of the magazine? then why not stop by The In-Depth Genealogist and read the
You can read my Introduction post HERE and you can follow the column by visiting The In-Depth Genealogist website and subscribing via email or via twitter and Facebook.

This is a great addition to the genealogy market and I am very proud to be a part of it.

Happy reading & researching!

Friday, 14 June 2013

Sepia Saturday - 181

The theme for this week is adornments. I didn't really have anything that sprung to mind. Then I thought I might think a bit outside the box this week.

If you read my blog, you will know that earlier in the week I visited the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter. It was during this visit that I spotted this exhibit.

The title of the piece is called Genealogy and was produced by the New Zealand & Samoa born artist Rosanna Raymond in 2007 as a commissioned piece from the Museum.

The actual artistry is a pair of denim jeans adorned with stitched pieces of decorated barkcloth. Here is a photograph of the information plate.

Each piece of barkcloth reflects the importance of Polynesian qualities which as the plate above states "female creativity and the artist's own identity"

I stood for ages looking at the detail and stitching. Pondering on just what had inspired the artist to create such a piece and the name she gave it. 

Taking part in Sepia Saturday

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Treasure Chest Thursday - Pearlware Jug - Mary Clark 1802

Earlier in the week I spoke of a visit to the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter. You can read my post HERE & see some photographs of the various plaques at Grave Encounters.

One of the images that I did not show was this little lovely item -

The details on the information card revealed that it was named for Mary Clark of Berrynarbour and shows the date of 1802.

The pearlware jug was made at the Swansea Pottery in South Wales. This type of pottery became popular in the late 1700s as a cheap and hard wearing alternative to porcelain. Much of the white clay was extracted from the Teign Valley in South Devon, actually not too far from where I live. It was mixed with flint to produce the required colour and pearlware was an improved lighter colour

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Sir John Bowring at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum Exeter

As I said yesterday, in my post about the Royal Albert Memorial Museum at Exeter, that I would share my memorial item from the Museum.

One of my ancestors, was well known and lived in various places round the globe, but was born and died in Devon and in particular Exeter. I gave a fleeting thought on whether there would be anything at the museum about Sir John Bowring (1792 - 1872).

Well, as luck would have it there was a small mention of Sir John and in particular the fact that he left his collection to the Museum.

Here is what was on display -

Having looked at the small collection on display I asked a staff member if they held anything more. They do and it is held in the bowels of the museum and not likely to be added to the item displayed any time soon.

The Museum website revealed this about John Bowring, so no details that I didn't already know, but what a shame that there was not more on display.


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