This year, I am taking part in a few more on line Advent things.

The Advent Calender hosted by Geneabloggers
The Advent Tour hosted by Marg at Intrepid Reader and Kelly. I requested to post on two dates, 18th and 21st December.

I have also taken part in the Book Bloggers Holiday Swap hosted by Nicole. Whereby, I sent a book or two to a new book blogger and received the same in return.

These are great way to meet new bloggers, both with a genealogical and book slant to them. Cost has not been an issue and it is the festive season after all! and with the help of the internet, neither has lack of mobility!
WOW! I am impressed. From thanksgiving thru the end of the year, I can barely keep my head above water --- so to speak. Thanks for the run down of your activities.