Initially I created this, a simple power point slide that looked at the various aspects that I planned to cover on my digital memory board. In this case the memory board reflected my professional career within the pharmacy profession.
I then went a stage further and added some audio to the slide explaining my thoughts and ideas. You can view the audio version of this on the YouTube Channel.
My plan is at some point to take those ideas and create my digital memory board reflecting this section of my life and then add it to my Book of Me.
I am working on my memory board. The theme that I chose for my post is Sweet 16 and I have some memories on there from my 16th year. I am looking for more pictures to add to it. Although I have it in post format for the moment, I do intend to make a graphic including these memories. Please look at my post and let me know if this is on the track of what you have in mind. Thank you.