Yesterday it was very hot and humid, so instead of sitting outside I tried to tackle the backlog of email. I had just sat down when I spotted a new addition to the pile, from someone whose father in law had served in Sierra Leone about the time my Grandfather had been posted to West Africa. The pile of email and tasks forgotten as I headed to the filing cabinet to extract my Grandfather's service record.
The chances that my Grandfather knew this man is not outside the realms of possibility; I guess there were many servicemen posted there, so despite the odds stacked against them knowing each other, I somehow, and quite unexplainable, feel a little connection between myself and my Grandfather's Africa days.
My Grandfather passed away on 20th July 1974, so in a few weeks it will be 39 years,so between now and then I really must crack on and try to get to the bottom of his Service Record.
In a strange way, it just seems so very important to look at this now.
"Your loved one, George X"
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