Friday, 4 January 2013

3 Words for 2013

Just yesterday I was reading a post written by Jen at Ancestral Breezes in which she named 3 words for 2013. I read Jen's post twice and then followed the link to the site Jen mentioned, called Chris Brogan, after it's author.

Suitable inspired I reflected on our plans for 2013 and wondered what words I would use for such a post.

Image courtesy of Google Images
VISION - In the autumn of 2012 I looked back at plans and dreams and wondered if I could merge those thoughts into a comprehensive VISION for our future. I am not a dreamer particularly, I read my horoscopes in the paper for a bit of fun, but would not set my heart on anything I read. My birth sign in that of Libra whose symbol is the scales and that very much sums me up.

FOCUS - So, having created a vision for our future in order to obtain it I (we) need to be focused so that we may have success.

COURAGE - This is the vital bit. Without courage I could sit back in my comfort zone and dream, with it I could really attempt to take that vision and focus and turn those dreams into a reality.

Does failure worry me? Define failure. It is surely better to have loved and lost than never loved. This is the same. Better to have had vision, focus and courage to give it a go then sit and wonder what would have happened if I had.

What are your 3 words for 2013?


  1. Here's to the angel of courage sitting by your right shoulder. You need to pay attention when she whispers advice, then plunge ahead with your sword raised high. We all fail in some way. I think the worst failure is to ourselves.

    1. Francene, thanks for your comment and advise. I will listen carefully to the angel of courage.


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