Monday 7 January 2013

February Photo Collage Festival

Launching the February Photo Collage Festival. (Thanks to Pauline for the name)

It all started when Pauline over at Family History Across the Seas shared a photograph collage that was  inspired by Kristin of Finding Eliza.

Teamwork, don't you just love it?

Lots of comments appeared on the initial post in support and then I made the suggestion of narrative to accompany each photo. I then went on to suggest, that as the initial collage had 20 photos why not increase it to 28 and then for the month of February each photo is produced in turn with the narrative to accompany it.

There was a genealogical uproar of excitement! So to take part all you need to do is
  1. Sign Up using the linky at the bottom of this post.
  2. Create a collage of your photos - mine will be posted to this blog on 30th January.
  3. Then each day from 1st February take one of those photos in turn and using the photograph as a visual prompt produce a post with the photograph and the narrative to accompany it.
  4. At the end of February you will have used 28 photos and explored the details behind it. You might even have identified some research still to do it!
  5. Visited the other participants and made some new blogging friends!
This festival is open to ANYONE not just those ancestor obsessed!


  1. I'm in! I plan to post mine on the 30th too. Really looking forward as collage is one of my favorite things to do. Thanks for thinking this up and hosting. And for the mention :)

    1. You're welcome! Looking forward to it!

    2. Anonymous11:58 pm

      Looking forward to seeing all these beautiful collages.

  2. Sounds fun. Is there a theme/subject for the photos?

    1. No Lesley. The initial collage produced by Pauline had pictures that meant something to her - they were of her family and therefore genealogical, but the photos the collage can be about anything you want it to be!

    2. Great! Welcome Lesley!

  3. Looks like fun. I'm in and have submitted the link to my website. Should I have waited until it's done? If so just delete & I'll come back later.

    1. Hi, No, now is fine! Looks to be fun!

  4. OOoh this sounds like a fantastic idea and just what I need to get kick-started on my FH blog again. Thanks for the inspiration. I shall work on my collage tonight and then do the linky thing. Better go to work now!

  5. Oooh this sounds like just the thing I need to help kickstart my FH blog again after a lapse during study last year. I'll compile my collage tonight and then do my linky thing. Better go to work now though. Thanks for the inspiration Julie.

  6. I have just been working on photos of my dad. He is 88 and in pretty bad shape. Actually hospice is now part of the process. So, my photos will be of my dad throughout his life. This will be a great springboard to writing his story. Thanks for the challenge.

    Collage question... Any directions on how to collect my 28 photos into a collage? Is there a program or site that I can do this with? Thanks for the help and inspiration.

    1. I am sorry to hear about your Dad. Glad this will be a springboard for you and I hope you enjoy the challenge.

      Have a look at today's post as this might help.

      Welcome to the challenge!

  7. I have just been working on photos of my dad. He is 88 and in pretty bad shape. Actually hospice is now part of the process. So, my photos will be of my dad throughout his life. This will be a great springboard to writing his story. Thanks for the challenge.

    Collage question... Any directions on how to collect my 28 photos into a collage? Is there a program or site that I can do this with? Thanks for the help and inspiration.

  8. I just wanted to let you know that your blog post is listed in today's Fab Finds post at

    1. Jana, many thanks for the mention.

  9. What a fun idea. I wish I had known about it earlier.

    1. Wendy, it's not to late to take part!

  10. I just found I posted a link to my first post and not just the website of Finding Eliza. I'm updating everyday so I hope people will find the newest posts!

    1. Catherine has commented that perhaps there should be a round up of entries, such a great idea. Obvious really, and still I never thought of it!

      I have pinned this to the tab bar at the top of my blog so it is easy to find.

      I am planning a joint round up post at on 1st March of all the photos I have submitted and the posts for the writing challenge.

      Then I will collate everyone elses.

    2. I don't quite get it but I look forward to it! Now I better go start work on tomorrow's post. The days come so quickly when a post is due everyday. I don't see how you post multiple posts!

    3. It helps if I post the correct details! I was contacted that someone could not find the list of the festival participants, so I added the link to this post with the list to the page bar at the top of the blog.

      The round up post will go live on 1/3/13. As to multi posts, I often work a week or so ahead & plan posts in advance.


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