As I said yesterday, I had always known that one of the sisters remained in the UK, but nonetheless, I decided to revist the book written by Margaret Bellasis in 1952 to see if I had overlooked any further clues with regard to Ruth King.
In that respect I had not, although I was suitable reminded of a few details which I thought I might discuss today.
I have always pondered on what it was exactly that was the catalyst for the King daughters to be sent to India and Margaret Bellasis has perhaps provided a line of enquiry that I had overlooked. On page 133 of Honourable Company it reads
"....There was a family friend, a rich Mr. Holmes, retired from India, and whether from his introduction or not, the eldest of the sisters was early wedded to a Bengal civilian named Morris. The next eldest, Esther, was thereupon invited out to her; and so it was that she came to marry "the handsomest man in India......"
The handsomest man in India was George Bridges Bellasis, and more of his story later. I was intrigued what was the location for the marriage of Mary King and what exactly was Mr Morris doing in India and who was Mr Morris?
Sounds like there's the potential for some great stories behind these clues Julie.