I wanted to really get to grips with the King family in Farnham. I had various transcriptions and records from earlier research so I revisited that data. Much to my surprise (and annoyance) it would appear that I had already explored this data previous.
Having established that the John King, who married Mary Budd in Puttenham was born in Farnham in 1744 and was the son of John King and Jane Planner. What could I establish about John King senior?
Well, he was born in 1716 and was the son of Henry King and Anne Cooper. They had married on 26th November 1711 in Farnham and raised a family of 4 children -
Henry born 1714
John born 1716 and married Jane Planner 1740
James born 1719
William born 1723
In Farnham, it would appears that the trail of the King family goes cold in regard to the birth of Henry, who would have been born circa 1686 (1711 his year of marriage -25 years).
However, I have located a birth of a Henry in 1688 in Hampshire and is recorded as the son of Henry and Ruth King. The birth is recorded in the Dorset and Hampshire QM, which is the Quarterly Meetings of the Quakers.
I am going to follow the trail on this Henry as John King (born 1716) named one his children Ruth, and Esther King who married George Bridges Bellasis had a sister called Ruth. It's a tentative link, but the hunch factor feels that this is right to research this further. Furthermore, just up the road from Farnham is the town of Alton, which is actually over the border into Hampshire. Alton had a reasonable Quaker population, so guess where we research next?
sounds like a strategy Julie... leave no stone unturned I say, and the Quakers do seem a possibility.