Friday, 15 February 2013

The In-Depth Genealogist - Digital Magazine - Issue 1 - OUT NOW!

You may remember that I wrote HERE of my new regular column, Across the Pond at The In-Depth Genealogist.

Well, the first issue of the free digital magazine is available NOW!

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Enjoy this first edition of the magazine, but why not stop by The In-Depth Genealogist and read the

You can read my Introduction post HERE and you can follow the column by visiting The In-Depth Genealogist website and subscribing via email or via twitter and Facebook.

This is a great addition to the genealogy market and I am very proud to be a part of it.

Happy reading & researching!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing all of it, Julie! We're so excited to have you as part of the IDG family. Fantastic first article. You're going to be a great resource for everyone - especially those of us in the States trying to figure out UK research!

    1. Thanks; it is great to be part of the IDG family.

  2. I enjoyed the article and the magazine is impressive.

    1. It is impressive & glad you enjoyed the article.

  3. Congratulations on being on the team. I've had a quick flip through it, but need a more considered look. Well done!

    1. Thank you Pauline, I hope you enjoyed your read!


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