Thursday, 19 July 2007

Sullivan's Island: A Lowcountry Tale by Dorothea Benton Frank

Picked up at the UnCon and read already! What a great book. I started this on Sunday night last week, I was unable to sleep as I had an early flight to Leeds and could not settle, so braved Mr AR being grumpy and had the side light on. By the end of Monday the book had been devoured.

It is the story of Susan, married to Tom and the mother of Beth. Susan is fairly happy, she had a tough childhood, but felt the love of her family and survived the upheavals she has endured. Working as a librarian, Susan leaves for work forgetting an important report. She returns home to find her husband of 16 years in bed with a younger woman. Susan's life suddenly changes.

There is a fabulous scene involving Susan getting her own back on Tom, involving some time in the bathroom, a toilet, a toothbrush and two bottles of aftershave. A woman scorned! Written with humour, even though, as readers we can feel Susan's pain.

To enable Susan to cope with the devestation she feels Susan flashes back to her childhood, her father and his values in an America which was struggling to that regardless of the colour of your skin everyone is equal. Susan has a very special relationship with the housekeeper, Livvy, who is black and is the descendant of slaves.

This is the story of love, friendship,forgiveness and equality. A really enjoyable book, one that I was disappointed to finish.

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