This was a gentle and quick read, devoured in a morning accompanied by a cup of tea!
We enter the story with the murder already committed. The body identified by a fellow colleague. Readers are then taken along a journey of establishing what kind of character the deceased was, potential suspects, motive and then finally evidence.
Having established that the author works within the publishing business we are then presented with a series of strands. Strands that are represented as writings by would be authors and the reasons those would be authors would perhaps have for wanting this man dead. We get to know through various snippets the lives of the would be author's and with each snippet, just perhaps their individual motive builds......
I won't share more with you of the who done it, to find the answers you need to read it for yourselves! Except to say this. The strands that build up the storyline are good ones, the entrance from a character that I shall call Mr X was a very clever twist to the storyline.
The characters of the potential suspects I felt were real and I liked the depth given to them through there would be writing and the details of their domestics. The character of the victim shone through, and it was clear to see just what kind of individual he was. The characters who represented the police - Jim and Harriet, who set about solving the murder are felt to be solid and I think these characters have the potential to be developed further into a series involving the two police investigators.
All in all, I enjoyed the book and do hope the author develops the characters of Harriet and Jim.
Small print - I received an eBook copy from the author. I was not paid for the review and the review is my genuine opinion of the book.
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