I have spent much of the last week re reading the posts from last year and wondering whether to create a theme to my writing, and focus on particular individuals, or whether to follow last year's patten and start and with a Grandparents and my way back steadily wove across the generations and contemplations. Or perhaps to use the notebooks I mentioned in the introduction to last year's challenge. Even at the point of writing this, I am still undecided.
I have always planned to publish the data of my research in book form. In my reflections post last week I indicated that I was intending to use the 28 posts from February 2011 and a selection of other genealogical posts as the focal point for that book. I may well include the posts from 2012 in the book, it will depend on the length from the selection made.
Whatever I decide to focus on, I will be aided by the photographs, personal recollection from myself. My Mum very often adds interesting snippets and of course more than 25 years of research. These photographs are just some of that data.
The ramblings & obsessions of a fisherman's wife! ~ a potpourri of history, genealogy and books. Also some general ramblings if they take my fancy!
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
365 Project - January 2012
View the complete month at 2012 - A Year in Photographs
Tech Tuesday - iPad - Consuming versus Producing....
An interesting question via the iPad mailing list hosted at Yahoo.
Currently, I use my iPad and laptop 50:50. Having seen my iPad, my husband purchased his own and we share a keyboard, which was a useful purchase. My husband uses his iPad a great deal more than me for everything, so his ratio is around 70:30.
- Consuming versus Producing - Do you spend time merely dealing with emails, social media or producing whilst using your iPad?
- Is there likely to be a difference between what you use your iPad for today compared to the future.
I have had my iPad since about April. I had pondered for quite a while before buying. Unsure whether I could really justify the expense. Would I use it enough? What size should I get? All the usual thoughts that whizz through our minds as we contemplate a large or expensive purchase.
I made the decision eventually that if I was going to spend that kind of money then I should get the most that I could and went for the 3G + WiFi version and 64GB. It arrived. I spent a few hours organising and setting it out as I wanted it - preloaded applications, social media, books and reading applications, games, genealogy, blog applications and miscellaneous. I am not especially a gamer, but I do like scrabble type games!
Initially, I didn't really use it that much and wondered whether I had not made the right decision, but find that now that I am using for emails mainly and browsing. I am not overly sure about posting to my blog using the iPad, and need to experiment a bit more with this. I do tend to use the notes facility quite a lot, posting ideas or thoughts and then I tweak with my laptop later, after a climb to the third floor of the house where my study is.
Next purchase is a WiFi printer, scanner and copier that we can print from our iPads. So, currently I am in the browsing and social media phase, but as I get more use to it and we purchase the new printer I am sure that I will produce more. I also use my iPad to read Kindle books. I do have a Kindle, but sometimes find the iPad easier if the book has photos or pictures in the case of cookbooks.

With a big overseas trip coming up later in the year I am sure that the iPad will come into its own. If anyone has any tips, please share! One thing I do find especially irritating is the browser - Safari has an irritating habit of closing suddenly. Debate on the iPad mailing list seemed to think that this was indicating the clearing of the history and cookies, but I am not so sure. If anyone has any thoughts please let me know!
Carnival Of Genealogy 114: Creative Gene's iGene Awards for 2011!
Best Comedy
There is not especially lots of humour at Anglers Rest blog. Hopefully, not because I am grumpy, but just because that is the way it is. It might seem odd to select a post about Disasters, which appeared as the post for week 10 of 52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy. There is a wonderful story which is about my Grandmother - completely oblivious to the potential chaos! Read that post HERE
Best Biography
The nomination for this is probably the lengthy post I wrote about Henry Rhodes Hindle, who is a relative of my husband's. Henry was born in England in 1904 and migrated as a baby in 1905. A fascinating history and I really enjoyed piecing together Henry and his parent's life. You can read the full post HERE
Best Documentary
This is awarded to the post I submitted to commemorate Australia Day 2011. It reflects the trials and tribulations of George Bridges Bellasis and his wife Esther, nee King. Esther was truly a remarkable women. She made her mark in history. You can read that post HERE
Best Screen Play
Now, this is not cheating, but for this I am also going to nominate the post I submitted for Australia Day 2011. Where Esther was a remarkable women, her husband was a bit of a scamp! and I think his story would make a fabulous screen play! That post is HERE
Best Picture
The award for this goes to one of my favourite family photographs.

The photograph shows my Great Great Grandmother, Caroline Harris nee Ellis and four of her daughters, My Great Grandmother is the lady on the far left. You can read the post that I submitted to Fearless Females HERE
Tea Cup Tuesday - Millennium Mug 2000
Following on from last week's Tea Cup Tuesday mug. Made from the same pottery and probably purchased from the same shop locally. This is a lovely addition to my Millennium collection.
As I am sure there was the world over, there was much hype about the year 2000. Would our computers still work? Was it really the Millennium or was that the following year? Actually, I wasn't bothered. I had made plans and I kept to them!
For the year 2000 I kept a scrapbook. I wrote all sorts of things. I described the house, who we were and where we were from. I detailed our holiday and kept a few basics, such as things from the local newspaper, a till receipt showing the cost of groceries and petrol. I also made two time capsules. One of which I placed in the loft, the other was placed with my scrapbook and will be passed on to the poor individual who will one day inherit all my obsessions!
Monday, 30 January 2012
Guest Post by Terri Giulano Long - An Ode to Bloggers
Last May, a month or so after I began marketing my novel, In Leah’s Wake, a former agent told me that I would never sell 500 books. A rookie, I had no idea what to expect. When I published the novel, I’d dreamed of selling a 3,000 – 5,000 books, hoping healthy sales numbers would attract the attention of an agent or traditional publishing house for my next novel.
The agent had left New York, but she’d been in the business for a long time, and her words stung. I hung up the phone, heartbroken, depressed. Had I not been in the midst of my first blog tour, I might have pulled my novel off the market that day.
Determined to see the tour through, I soldiered on. On the tour, I met wonderful, caring people, book bloggers, whose kindness buoyed and sustained me.
Over the next few months, In Leah’s Wake appeared on hundreds of blogs. Bloggers opened their hearts and spread the word about this quiet literary novel. In August, In Leah’s Wake hit the Barnes & Noble and Amazon charts. Now, seven months after my talk with that agent, the book has been in the Amazon top 200 for over five months, and we’ve sold just shy of 80,000 copies.
Book bloggers rock! I don’t know how to say it any better. Book bloggers are the fairy godmothers and godfathers of the literary world. They invest their talent, their energy, and their time into reviewing and promoting books – and keeping dreams alive.
Even today, traditional media refuse to recognize or review indie books. In this very real sense, book bloggers are the heart and soul of the indie revolution. Their vision, their energy, and their determination have enabled this amazing populist movement to take hold.
Today, we have the great good fortune of hearing the funny, poignant, intelligent voices of new authors from around the world - voices that, just a few years ago, might have been silenced by the gatekeepers of the old guard. These voices reach into hearts and minds, forging connections, uniting us in a community of readers and writers, searching for and finding, through words, the better part of ourselves. Because, truly, at heart, this is what reading and writing is all about.
Here’s to you, book bloggers! You are and always will be my heroes!
Terri Giuliano Long is the bestselling author of the award-winning novel In Leah’s Wake. Her life outside of books is devoted to her family. In her free time, she enjoys walking, traveling, and listening to music. True to her Italian-American heritage, she’s an enthusiastic cook. In an alternate reality, she might be an international food writer. She lives with her family on the East Coast and teaches at Boston College. In Leah’s Wake is her debut novel.
Website: www.tglong.com
Blog: www.tglong.com/blog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tglong
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tglongwrites
This week, Terri and Inspired Quill Press (paperback edition), launch a newly edited edition of In Leah’s Wake. The newly edited novel features a new chapter and several new scenes, adding new connections and insights, and tightens the book, cutting 60 pages – all while maintaining the integrity of the original edition.
For more information, please visit her website or any of these retailer sales. (Your local library or bookstore can also order the book through major distribution channels.)
Amazon Kindle (US)
Amazon Paperback (US)
Amazon Kindle (UK)
Amazon Paperback (UK)
Barnes & Noble
Indie Bound:
Terri Giuliano Long
Pages: 368
Format: Paperback, Kindle
ISBN: 1456310542
Publisher: CreateSpace/Inspired Quill Press
Website: www.tglong.com
***Newly edited by Sara-Jayne Slack, Inspired Quill Press***
The Tylers have a perfect life—beautiful home, established careers, two sweet and talented daughters. Their eldest daughter, Leah, an exceptional soccer player, is on track for a prestigious scholarship. Their youngest, Justine—more responsible than seems possible for her 12 years—just wants her sister’s approval. With Leah nearing the end of high school and Justine a seemingly “together” kid, the parents are set to enjoy a peaceful life…until everything goes wrong. Can this family survive in Leah’s wake?
Margot Livesey, award-winning author of Banishing Verona, calls In Leah's Wake "a beautifully written and absorbing novel."
When happens when love just isn't enough?
Recipient of the CTRR Award for excellence
2011 Book Bundlz Book Pick
Book Bundlz 2011 Favorites, First Place
"Sometimes scary, sometimes sad, and always tender."
"In Leah's Wake is a beautifully written and absorbing novel."
“Pulled me right along as I continued to make comparisons to my own life.”
“An incredibly strong debut, this book is fantastic on many fronts.”
The agent had left New York, but she’d been in the business for a long time, and her words stung. I hung up the phone, heartbroken, depressed. Had I not been in the midst of my first blog tour, I might have pulled my novel off the market that day.
Determined to see the tour through, I soldiered on. On the tour, I met wonderful, caring people, book bloggers, whose kindness buoyed and sustained me.
Over the next few months, In Leah’s Wake appeared on hundreds of blogs. Bloggers opened their hearts and spread the word about this quiet literary novel. In August, In Leah’s Wake hit the Barnes & Noble and Amazon charts. Now, seven months after my talk with that agent, the book has been in the Amazon top 200 for over five months, and we’ve sold just shy of 80,000 copies.
Book bloggers rock! I don’t know how to say it any better. Book bloggers are the fairy godmothers and godfathers of the literary world. They invest their talent, their energy, and their time into reviewing and promoting books – and keeping dreams alive.
Even today, traditional media refuse to recognize or review indie books. In this very real sense, book bloggers are the heart and soul of the indie revolution. Their vision, their energy, and their determination have enabled this amazing populist movement to take hold.
Today, we have the great good fortune of hearing the funny, poignant, intelligent voices of new authors from around the world - voices that, just a few years ago, might have been silenced by the gatekeepers of the old guard. These voices reach into hearts and minds, forging connections, uniting us in a community of readers and writers, searching for and finding, through words, the better part of ourselves. Because, truly, at heart, this is what reading and writing is all about.
Here’s to you, book bloggers! You are and always will be my heroes!
Terri Giuliano Long is the bestselling author of the award-winning novel In Leah’s Wake. Her life outside of books is devoted to her family. In her free time, she enjoys walking, traveling, and listening to music. True to her Italian-American heritage, she’s an enthusiastic cook. In an alternate reality, she might be an international food writer. She lives with her family on the East Coast and teaches at Boston College. In Leah’s Wake is her debut novel.
Website: www.tglong.com
Blog: www.tglong.com/blog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tglong
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tglongwrites
This week, Terri and Inspired Quill Press (paperback edition), launch a newly edited edition of In Leah’s Wake. The newly edited novel features a new chapter and several new scenes, adding new connections and insights, and tightens the book, cutting 60 pages – all while maintaining the integrity of the original edition.
For more information, please visit her website or any of these retailer sales. (Your local library or bookstore can also order the book through major distribution channels.)
Amazon Kindle (US)
Amazon Paperback (US)
Amazon Kindle (UK)
Amazon Paperback (UK)
Barnes & Noble
Indie Bound:
Terri Giuliano Long
Pages: 368
Format: Paperback, Kindle
ISBN: 1456310542
Publisher: CreateSpace/Inspired Quill Press
Website: www.tglong.com
***Newly edited by Sara-Jayne Slack, Inspired Quill Press***
The Tylers have a perfect life—beautiful home, established careers, two sweet and talented daughters. Their eldest daughter, Leah, an exceptional soccer player, is on track for a prestigious scholarship. Their youngest, Justine—more responsible than seems possible for her 12 years—just wants her sister’s approval. With Leah nearing the end of high school and Justine a seemingly “together” kid, the parents are set to enjoy a peaceful life…until everything goes wrong. Can this family survive in Leah’s wake?
Margot Livesey, award-winning author of Banishing Verona, calls In Leah's Wake "a beautifully written and absorbing novel."
When happens when love just isn't enough?
Recipient of the CTRR Award for excellence
2011 Book Bundlz Book Pick
Book Bundlz 2011 Favorites, First Place
Praise for In Leah’s Wake
"Sometimes scary, sometimes sad, and always tender."
Susan Straight, National Book Award finalist, author Take One Candle Light A Room
"In Leah's Wake is a beautifully written and absorbing novel."
Margot Livesey, Award-winning author of Banishing Verona
“Pulled me right along as I continued to make comparisons to my own life.”
Jennifer Donovan, 5 Minutes for Books, Top 50 Book Blog
“An incredibly strong debut, this book is fantastic on many fronts.”
Naomi Blackburn, Founder Sisterhood of the Traveling Book
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Thyroid Literary Challenge - Words of Encouragement

Understanding, Knowledge, Share and Experience
When I was first diagnosed with a thyroid condition 20 years ago I wanted to gain as much knowledge as I could. Knowledge that would develop my understanding about the condition and enable me to share what I had learnt.
The experience of being diagnosed, the experience of knowing that some doctors and consultants believed only the blood results rather than the patient in front of them. Trying to explain to others why I felt so ill and yet not knowing in what way. Coping with the feeling of despair that I had felt in those early days.
Having gained the knowledge and understanding it gave me the courage to share my experiences. More importantly, it gave me the strength to challenge and question. This is my life and I can only live it once.
Taking part in the DearThyroid Literary Challenge.
Saturday, 28 January 2012
NaBloPoMo - February 2012 Getting Ready - Relative!

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy - Week 4 - Free Offline Genealogy Tools
Challenge from Sunday 22nd January 2012 - Saturday 29th January 2012
The simple answer to this is I don't know.
I started researching my family before the power of the Internet. In the days when joining a family history society was the norm and you submitted your research interests into the quarterly journal and hoped someone wrote you a letter. That is right, a letter, involving paper, ink and stamps. 20 odd years later and I still have every single letter written to me about a family history line.
Sometimes we hit the jackpot and a connection was made, other times there was no connection made and on some occasions there was no genealogical connection, but a friendship formed. Some of those early friendships I still have and treasure.
So I am thankful for two things here - the friendships that formed, in some cases across many miles. I am also thankfully that I learnt to research the old fashioned way by heading to archives and looking at original documents. There is something truly wonderful about seeing the name of a relative in print, on a old piece of parchment or alike and knowing that this was written when probably my ancestor was standing as close to the paper as I am now
I can reminisce of going to St Catherine's House in London and pulling the huge indexes containing the birth, marriage and death books from the shelves. Fighting for space as you searched for the reference you were looking for. Hearing the odd should of "I've got him!" They were different research times to now. In comparison the internet has reduced the size of the world to a matchbox and letters which plopped through the letterbox having travelled many miles over days can be in an inbox in seconds.
I am thankful to my family, many since deceased who shared their knowledge with me as I explored their past and probed away asking question after question. I loved to visit my Great Aunts. I had grown up doing it, so as an adult I continued. They shared so much with me quite without question. Leaving me to explore our family. A life long obsession.
Weekend Cooking - Beef Casserole
Last weekend, I had some cubed casserole steak in the fridge. I hadn't made any plans on what to cook and then had a vision of warm, thickish gravy!
I cut up two carrots and a few mushrooms added them to a pan with only a smidge of Olive oil and on a high heat to get some juices flowing! I could have added onion, but gave it a miss as it seems to upset my digestive system!
I then added the steak. What I had bought was already cubed, but I cut up into smaller chunks and added it to the pan. I left the heat high to brown and get some extra juices.
Then I added some gravy granules - about a tablespoonful, mixed in and turned the heat down to a number 2 (electric). I added about two fluid ounces of water.
Served with mashed, buttery potato. Cooking time was about an hour on the hob on a low heat.
Weekend Cooking is hosted by BethFishReads
Friday, 27 January 2012
100 Word Challenge - Week 28

Joining the weekly 100 words challenge for Grown ups. This week the prompt is to use the following with no more than 100 words
.......you bought her what.....
Fuming, she stood in the departure lounge awaiting confirmation of her flight. She pulled out her well used phone and made the call.
After a few pleasantries, she asked what did you buy her? Then, the almost screech as she said, loudly, you bought her what?
Her face turned a funny colour of anger, a mixture of white and red. Would the dreadful passenger explode wondered the airport staff?
Why on earth did you buy her that was the response?
How ridiculous...
How could you buy something so frivolous?
What do you mean, because she wanted it…..
We’ll see about that
Sepia Saturday 110 - In the Movies.....
This story and the photograph have a tentative connection to the theatre.
![]() |
Second lady from the left is Lesley Ramage with her father John. Lady on the far right is Nehru's sister. Taken Bombay 1957. Lady on the far left is called Jane. |
The original of the photograph is with my mother in law. Almost 20 years ago my father in law showed us a huge set of photographs. At the time we videoed them. Then in the Autumn of 2010 I transferred the video to DVD. The transfer appeared to have been successful and in further experimentation mode I played the DVD on my laptop and took a photo from the screen. This is one of those photographs.
Lesley Ramage is the first cousin of my late father in law. She had a career as an actress. I have no further details on her career or her stage name.
Taking part in Sepia Saturday

sepia Saturday
Beyond the Internet Week 2: Ancestral homes and their history
One part of my family owned a great deal of property. Some was passed down through lines of direct descent, others through childless Aunts and Uncles. Nonetheless, the family had property and that means that somewhere there will be some documentary evidence, which is good news for a researcher.
The Butcher family were well known in Surrey. My several times Great Grandfather Daniel Butcher owned with his brother Richard a property in Guildford High Street that traded as a pub called The Nags Head. The building still exists, no longer a pub, but trades as a retail shop. There is much more research to be done on this part of the family and specifically the building that was owned by the family. Other documentation reveals that a branch of the family owned a farm called Scotlands which is in the village of Bramley, about 5 miles from Guildford. Ironically, about 20 years ago I knew the lady who owned and farmed at the same farm. Whilst I knew her, I didn't like to be too familiar and ask her to look a the deeds. With hindsight, I wish I had!
Moving onto more recent times. My Grandmother was born in a specific road in Guildford. After her parents died my Grandmother went to live with her older sister. After she married in 1939 her and my Grandfather rented a property in Guildford and in 1940 they returned to the road of my Grandmother's birth where they spent the rest of their lives. I have the rent books from 1940 up until the mid 1990s. This particular road has been a source of interest to me and I now have a small archive of documents relating to it.
About 16 years ago my husband and I met up with a distant Australian cousin of mine. She and her husband were on a research and holiday to the UK and naturally she wanted to visit the rural parish were out Ellis family originated. My branch of the family moved two miles to Puttenham, the village that is the subject of my One Place Study, and her family migrated in the mid 1850s to Geelong Victoria. We managed to locate the address of Church Street and was standing outside the house that her family had lived in. We decided to ring the bell and speak to the occupier. Now, there is nothing like having an accent and asking to take photos, its a bit like it okay to say hello to strangers if you are walking a dog, if there is no dog and you say hello it seems odd! So, we rang the bell and waited. We had just thought that no one was home when the door was answered by a very elderly lady. We explained who we were and our quest and mentioned the photo. Next thing the door was opened and we were invited in. The lady had lived there with her husband and was at the time widowed, of course, I expect that she has since passed away, but she allowed us to take photos of the inside and outside of her house and we snapped away, including one of the then occupant. I do have a photo or two of the events of that day, but they are tucked away in the study and a rather large box of files - a result of the filing process of another blog post and I can not reach them!
In the absence of having photographs taken at the time of our ancestral links to a particular parish, the next best thing is postcards produced at the time. Over the last 20 odd years I have collated an archive of the parishes around the Guildford area that perhaps have specific reference to my ancestry. I launched a small project, for my own amusement last October, whereby I share a postcard a day. You can see them HERE
This postcard is one of my favourites. It shows the Church where I was christened, as was my Mother and maternal Grandmother. This same Church is also where several of my Aunts married in the 1930s.

The Butcher family were well known in Surrey. My several times Great Grandfather Daniel Butcher owned with his brother Richard a property in Guildford High Street that traded as a pub called The Nags Head. The building still exists, no longer a pub, but trades as a retail shop. There is much more research to be done on this part of the family and specifically the building that was owned by the family. Other documentation reveals that a branch of the family owned a farm called Scotlands which is in the village of Bramley, about 5 miles from Guildford. Ironically, about 20 years ago I knew the lady who owned and farmed at the same farm. Whilst I knew her, I didn't like to be too familiar and ask her to look a the deeds. With hindsight, I wish I had!
Moving onto more recent times. My Grandmother was born in a specific road in Guildford. After her parents died my Grandmother went to live with her older sister. After she married in 1939 her and my Grandfather rented a property in Guildford and in 1940 they returned to the road of my Grandmother's birth where they spent the rest of their lives. I have the rent books from 1940 up until the mid 1990s. This particular road has been a source of interest to me and I now have a small archive of documents relating to it.
About 16 years ago my husband and I met up with a distant Australian cousin of mine. She and her husband were on a research and holiday to the UK and naturally she wanted to visit the rural parish were out Ellis family originated. My branch of the family moved two miles to Puttenham, the village that is the subject of my One Place Study, and her family migrated in the mid 1850s to Geelong Victoria. We managed to locate the address of Church Street and was standing outside the house that her family had lived in. We decided to ring the bell and speak to the occupier. Now, there is nothing like having an accent and asking to take photos, its a bit like it okay to say hello to strangers if you are walking a dog, if there is no dog and you say hello it seems odd! So, we rang the bell and waited. We had just thought that no one was home when the door was answered by a very elderly lady. We explained who we were and our quest and mentioned the photo. Next thing the door was opened and we were invited in. The lady had lived there with her husband and was at the time widowed, of course, I expect that she has since passed away, but she allowed us to take photos of the inside and outside of her house and we snapped away, including one of the then occupant. I do have a photo or two of the events of that day, but they are tucked away in the study and a rather large box of files - a result of the filing process of another blog post and I can not reach them!
In the absence of having photographs taken at the time of our ancestral links to a particular parish, the next best thing is postcards produced at the time. Over the last 20 odd years I have collated an archive of the parishes around the Guildford area that perhaps have specific reference to my ancestry. I launched a small project, for my own amusement last October, whereby I share a postcard a day. You can see them HERE
This postcard is one of my favourites. It shows the Church where I was christened, as was my Mother and maternal Grandmother. This same Church is also where several of my Aunts married in the 1930s.

Postcard from my Guildford and District Collection
Blog theme Inspired by Family History Across the Sea
Postcard Friendship Friday - Shere, Surrey
Shere is located in Surrey England and is a very pretty (and expensive) location. Well known for appearing in several films. A branch of my own family resided in the village, although that was about 250 years before this postcard was produced.
Features as part of my Guildford and District Collection

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