Today is week 35 of what is going to be a 15 month project. Each Saturday, at around 12.30 am UK time I will release the prompt for that week's Book of Me, Written by You.
If you are new here, welcome! The details, background flyer and Face Book link to the Book of Me can be found HERE.
As you may have noticed, I rarely have themed prompts, but this week unless you are related to me you would not know that today is always a sad and yet happy day in the April family calendar and in tribute to two very special people we have this week's prompt. If you want to know more about my special people for 26th April, then stop by later! So, without further ado.
- Did you have Aunts and Uncles?
- Did you know any of your Great Aunts and Uncles?
- Did you have people that you called Aunt and Uncle, yet there was no blood connection at all?
- In fact, does that even matter?
- So this week, tell us those about those people whose names appear within our family history and perhaps you even had a favourite or two?
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