Last week I received in the post a couple of books that I had ordered via eBay - three of the five books in the Australian series by Aaron Fletcher. Wallaby Track,Outback Legacy and Outback Station. I had also ordered Castaway by the same author and only when it arrived did I realise that it is not book 3 of the Australian series but a book in the set about New Zealand. Very frustrating! In the front it does mention that the author is an American from I think California. I don't have the book in front of me to check.
I have recently signed up for the Spring Reading Thing which started today. Click HERE for details of signing up for the event and to see what I am planning to read.
This week I have also completed a book review for the eBook Fading Scars by Paige Day. The review is to be added to my blog during the week. It was a tear jerker and incredibly moving.
Last week I ordered online three books from Waterstones. I had been given a voucher and wanted to select a few books that I would keep rather than paperbacks that I would read and potentially pass along in a year or two. One thing I noticed was that the price was not competitive when compared to Amazon and the free shipping a little on the slow side!
I had to giggle at the Amazon/shipping comment. Sometimes those things are a hard act to follow, for sure. :)