Sunday 27 November 2011

100 Word Challenge - Week 20 part 3

Joining the weekly 100 words challenge for Grown ups. A selection of prompts for this week is below, based upon the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible, which was celebrated last week. This is a third contribution for this week

....the powers that be / the apple of his eye / the writing on the wall

She felt devoid of any emotion, the last eight weeks of notice had been gruelling. In her pocket another letter. This one had flowed easily, expressing herself factually to the Director, of how loyal staff, were being treated and how many they had lost since the merger. How could he condone this? How could the business be the apple of his eye? It was too late for her. She was beginning a new working career now, but how much damage had been done? She sought the solace and comfort of former colleagues who had given up the fight long ago.

Part one is HERE and part two is HERE

Taking part in the 100 word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week #20


  1. Goodness! How topical is this piece! It is difficult isn't it when those who make the decisions are so removed to actuality. This is a beautifully written piece that ends a great series. Thank you so much for being such a staunch supporter of 100WCGU!

  2. Great ending, not what I had been thinkng of at all. Agree with Julia's comments - so topical. Well written indeed


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